Embodiment Exploration- Workshop Series

The EMBODIMENT EXPLORATION Workshop Series teaches you to access your own systems wisdom as a means to transform your thoughts and experience.

The brain is a powerful tool. We have all probably tried “Affirmations” of some kind or other to varying degrees of success. The problem with Affirmations is that if you repeat over and over things like “I am lovable”, “I am successful” or “I am worthy” the mind says: “Yea, right!”, ” Not true, I have evidence to the contrary”. Our brains don’t believe it, and we could become caught in a negative mind loop.

Manifestation is the embodiment of our mental, emotional, etheric and astral bodies into physical existence. The physical plane is experienced with the senses, and to transform it we must become sensory masters. Embodiments are the sensory experience of manifestation. they teach the individual how to embody their potential. Once one has a felt sense of the experience they are looking to step into it is easy to manifest the reality they have already lived.

  • Full bodied, visceral, and direct experience of your potential
  • Bypass the brain and teach your body the direct experience of transformation.
  • Explore all the possibilities of potential.
  • Explore your own personal encyclopedia of sensations.
  • Take the power away from limiting or debilitating emotions.
  • Build easy access neural pathways to re-creating positive life enhancing experiences.
  • Transform your nervous system.
  • Inform your system of a new physical reality.
  • Connect with and learn to trust your intuition.
  • Explore ways to harness your system as an ally to transformation
  • Learn to transform fight/flight/freeze into vibrance and ease.
  • Learn tools to support deep relaxation and system regeneration.
  • Explore the beliefs that are holding you back from achieving a fulfilled and vibrant life.
  • Learn tools to let go of old patterns of disease and dysfunction.
  • Explore how trauma affects the body, mind, and spirit, and discover practical every day tools to support your healing.
  • Learn to ground and explore healthy boundaries.
  • Learn to trust your deep intuitive nature.

Embodiments method is a game changer! It will transform your life and help you create the masterpiece you forgot you already are. It helps you discover within yourself your true power and unlimited potential. 


This fundamentals workshop teaches you to access your intuitive nature for you to EMPOWER yourself. Gain a sensory blueprint to transform your life.

  • Explore the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
  • Learn to transform fight/flight/freeze into vibrance and ease.
  • Learn tools to support deep relaxation and system regeneration.
  • Explore the beliefs that are holding you back from achieving a fulfilled and vibrant life.
  • Learn tools to let go of old patterns of disease and dysfunction.
  • Explore how trauma affects the body, mind, and spirit, and discover practical every day tools to support your healing.
  • Learn to ground and explore healthy boundaries.
  • Learn to trust your deep intuitive nature.
  • Understand your power centers and how to use them for your benefit.
  • Get a felt sense of your potential.
  • Embody your empowered self.

Join us at this 2 day life transforming workshop: 

We will stay at the workshop location during dinner/breaks. Please bring food/ snacks/ water.

You will need:
Comfortable clothing
Notebook/journal, pens, colored pencils.
Wear layers
Bring pillows, blankets if you want to be extra comfy.​

You alone can make this journey.
I am here to witness your embodied transformation!